Let us do the heavy lifting!
Due to the City of Boulder’s Universal Zero Waste Ordinance which requires ALL properties, residential, commercial and multifamily to have trash, recycle and compost service by June, 2016, Western has worked with many of our existing customers to start their new compost service. As implementing compost collection at your business or apartment/condo complex can seem daunting, here are some tips and tricks to help your program be a success.
Business Composting:
1. Identify specific areas inside your office to place interior collection bins. Usually, the best area for a compost container is in the break room(s).
2. Set trash, recycle, and compost containers next to each other to make a “zero waste station”. This keeps employees from having to search for the right bin for their waste.
3. Distinguish the containers either by differing color, stickers, and/or lids. Something to help employees visually recognize the difference. Common colors are black for trash, blue for recycle, green for compost.
4. Provide signs above the containers identifying which materials go in which bin to help educate employees.
5. Host an all company meeting or send a company-wide email announcing the start of the compost service.
6. Use compostable bags and ensure the compost is emptied as frequently as the trash. This can help prevent any odor or fruit fly issues.
7. Don’t forget those bathroom paper towels! Paper towel waste from bathrooms is compostable. Consider switching that trash bin in the bathroom to a compost bin.
8. Educate the janitorial staff on the new program to ensure the bins are emptied to the proper collection containers outside.
Multifamily Buildings
1. Identify any common areas that may need interior bins to collect trash, recycle, and compost. Place trash, recycle, and compost containers next to each other to make a “zero waste station”.
2. Inform your tenants that compost service is available either through email, mail, or posting in common areas. Provide educational material including guidelines of what goes where with this notice.
3. Clearly identify the outside container with signs above the collection container if possible.
4. For all new tenants, provide compost information with move-in material.